We make great wines simply because we love making them. Wine is irresistible, it is fun, and it is about sharing passion, good fortune and community.
TOR exists today because of the relationships we’ve cultivated over decades with mentors, grapegrowers and friends. This is indisputable: Tor knows a great vineyard. Less is always more when it comes to bottling some of the best grapes on the planet. In the tussle between the will of nature and the winemaker – our work is staying out of the way.
01. Our Wines »
We focus on single-vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay wines, cuvées and Bordeaux varietals—each wine is handmade and bottled in a very small quantity. Our secret is to stay out of the way, not to manipulate—preserve a place in time, capture it in a bottle.
02. Who We Are »
The TOR winemaking team has been together since the beginning. Jeff Ames is winemaker, and we share a simple rule— the vineyard is what we showcase, not a heavy winemaker’s hand. Each wine is nurtured to bottle unfiltered and unfined.
Tor KenwardVintner and Proprietor
The fanatic. The fantasist. Rules by equal part instinct and equal part logic. A willful revisionist, meticulously blending, over and over until he gets it right.
Susan KenwardProprietor
The James Beard Award winning creative force behind the scenes.
Jeff AmesWinemaker
A special breed of winemaker, who learned by doing alongside some of Napa’s greats. A purist, making sure the wines express their site foremost.
Danny FayGeneral Manager
The visionary strategist who is leading TOR into the next chapter.
03. Visit Us »
Every tasting of TOR Wines celebrates the pursuit of excellence and commitment to service and hospitality behind our label. Guests are welcome to experience TOR Wines by reservation only.