“In these great, historic vineyards, the total is much more than the sum of the parts . . . People like [TOR winemaker Jeff Ames] seem to do the best job with this fruit.” ANDY BECKSTOFFER

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Beckstoffer To Kalon is possibly Napa Valley’s most iconic vineyard in part due to the number of 100-point wines that have carried its vineyard designation. Napa pioneer Hamilton Crabb first planted the historical vineyard in 1868, and it was acquired by Andy Beckstoffer in 1993, who championed the concept of vineyard-designated wines. The rest is history. The vineyard lies on the western boundary of the Oakville Appellation. Running through the middle and west sides of the vineyard are remnants of ancient streambeds riddled with rock, which provides exceptional drainage and ideal habitat for Cabernet Sauvignon. Over the last two decades, we have accumulated 11 blocks in this coveted vineyard, with two rare blocks of Cabernet Franc. We consider each block Grand Cru quality.

Our 2022 Beckstoffer To Kalon Cabernet comes from its normal block of F-1. This year’s fruit spent less time on skins than it did in 2021 (22 days in 2022 vs 31 days in 2021) since both color and fruit were extracted a little more quickly than in 2021. After basket pressing, the oak use and percentage were also typical for us with about 80% new French cooperage Darnajou. As always, this was bottled without fining or filtration after 20 months in oak.

“The 2022 To Kalon Cabernet is unlike any single vintage we have made from this iconic vineyard. I’ve tried the wine from tank to bottle, and the comparison I come up with the most is a blend of the 2015 and 2019 vintages. This wine shows black raspberries, red cherries, and a bit of carne asada (think Texas brisket also). I originally thought the 2022 Beckstoffer To Kalon would be showy early on, but the more I taste it, the more I’m convinced the wine will benefit from some bottle age. Your patience will be rewarded.”

—Jeff Ames

Winemaker Jeff Ames and Tor Kenward have collectively witnessed over 70 harvests, and cannot compare 2022 to any of them. Some winemakers said it was four vintages in one, with the wild swings in temperature, small crop, and small picking windows making it one we call “a winemaker’s year”. Those who nailed the right picking windows for each block made exceptional wines.

Beckstoffer to Kalon Vineyard
appellationOakville, Napa Valley
soilBale loam/Bale clay loam with ancient riverbed gravels beneath
climateWarm days tempered by coastal fog
topographyGentle slope running from 158 to 186 feet
vines83 planted acres of Cabernet Sauvignon clones 337, 4, and 6 and Cabernet Franc; TOR’s vine rows are managed to one cluster per shoot